As we wrapped up the "getting out of house for closing deadline" we were madly cleaning the house and double checking that we had, indeed, moved all our belongings out (found a shelf of clothing and cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink) --- it was 8:30pm when we closed the door for the last time.
It was raining during our cleaning out (as it did on our wedding day) and as we departed we looked to the east to see a beautiful double rainbow shining over our home of 33 years! You can barely see the reflection to the left of the more visible one -- and it might show better if you enlarge the image.
What an awesome sight -- we took it has a blessing on our start of this new journey.
The next three days found us jamming all our "to go" possessions in to the RV and trying to creatively make it all fit. We are definitely needing to go on a diet but I think the process of elimination will be easier as we travel and figure out what we need and really don't.
Better run, Monday 4AM wakeup call will come early. I'll try to get you a better picture of Beau/Zoe (NOT BOZO) with the Pendergast's along with a picture at our first campsite.
Until then,
Susan & Darrel