Hello Family & Friends,
We explored Forest Roads 345.1A and 649 -- it was a beautiful day ... but let me back up a moment and explain about being lost on FR 345 (you'll understand the .1A MUCH better). A couple of weeks ago, Darrel said "Hey, let's go on this road, 345, it shows on the map and we should be able to connect somewhere near Embargo/Seitz area of the forest". Of course, Susan says "sure, why not"???? So we start out -- and this season they have been "clearing the roads and maintaining them", somedays it doesn't feel that way.
Needless to say, we got kinda of lost and had to circle back around to find the loop of 345 to get back to County Road 15. On that trip we came to a closed gate which just didn't seem familiar so we turned around and followed the road back to the start -- it was getting late in the afternoon.
Well, there's a new trail, yes, you guess it, 345.1A that comes off the road we use to dry wash -- so we took that trail to see if you could indeed get over the mountains and connect to County Road 15 --- so here you go, the finish to the story.
Well, here's the gate, with the please close gate sign.
We were on the other side of the gate -- and if we had just gone through the gate, traveled on down the trail of FR 345.1A, we would have known where we were and been on a much better trail to get home!
Here's some shots from along the way to "find the gate" !!!
Radio/Signal Tower is always a landmark to travel by, we just couldn't see it until we got a little further down the trail.
We have had forest fire haze and smoke from the fires burning in Colorado, not close by the wind blows it in.
We enjoyed the trail very much and now know where it connects, begins and ends!
After that discovery, we headed to Seitz Creek to see if we could cross over the creek and take FR 649 to see where it would go -- Darrel gets all the bright ideas -- like how we can cross over the mountains to get to a new place!!
We found an abandoned cabin with an outhouse in a clearing and enjoyed exploring the buildings.
Outhouse a little further from the "cabin"
Someone left a "perfectly, good working stove" behind.
Darrel commented on how they used the tin from the cans to fill the cracks of the log walls.
Next we came across a mine tucked away in the mountainside --- so we stopped at poked around a little.
There was a Federal Mine Claim and it was fenced as you can see from the previous picture. We walked the perimeter as we explored.
It was getting late, so headed back to the RV but had a beautiful day to see new countryside. Plus we found our lost trail so it was a good day to be adventurous.
Our time is getting shorter in Colorado ---- it will be hard to leave the mountains to return to desert .... and then it it hard to leave the desert (NOT the HEAT) to come back to the mountains....
Sending blessings from the road,
Susan & Darrel