Sunday, October 18, 2020

Arizona has been HOT!

 Hello Family & Friends,

It has been awhile since I've put up a post -- we headed back to Arizona on October 1 and made the trip in one day --- we did take a different route, through the Navajo reservation -- we left early at 32 degrees and arrived back in Arizona to 105 degrees and 102 degrees in Congress!  Any Hoo, we had quite the journey and found ourselves experiencing Year 1 with problems to fix on the RV!

So I am going to just do a bullet list as to what we have been doing for the last 17 days!

  • Sweltering in the heat -- yep, we left 72 degree days in CO and have been surviving 90-101 degree days in Arizona
  • replacing a trailer block jack (one of the buckets we put under the outriggers that cracked)
  • fixing the water softener (needed new parts as we have a cracked water filter and the housing cap) the washer actually hooked up and has been running well (YAY)
  • starting up the refrigerator in the shed (which ran well) but work up the next morning and head this fan squealing sound -- so had to turn off and oil the fan -- but it is back to working!
  • fixing the ceiling fan that has shook loose from the motor arm to run it up and down
  • Did I mention surviving the heat???  -- yes, 10 days into excessive heat and I was ready to brave the snow in Colorado!!
  • spending a few hours trying to track down a lighting issue that blows the fuse when you turn on that particular bank of lights -- which are the night lights --- still haven't tracked that one down.
  • looking under the RV and seeing fluid which Darrel thought was either water or sewer but it turned out to be hydraulic fluid which means tracking down a leak (hoping it is loose connector but figuring it will be a split hose or in some place we cannot get to easily --- which is already difficult because it is under the RV and Darrel will need to be on his hurting back under the RV!?!?!?!
  • Oh, and trying to do all of this with Darrel's back hurting and he can barely move?!?!?!?
  • going to the dentist and chiropractor (for Darrel's back and had a gum bothering him) -- which means a drive into Peoria, AZ -- near Surprise to the offices and spending a day shopping.
  • Did I mention surviving the heat???? Yes, I believe I have mentioned it 3 times -- next year I will not repeat returning to AZ with such high temps
  • ......I am sure there are more tasks like, cleaning the RV from traveling, emptying out all that we haul to Colorado, reorganizing the shed (since everything was packed in there), paying bills, catching up with North Ranch residents, etc.

I think we are finally settling in --- and maybe can see the light at the end of the tunnel -- still many things to fix but will deal with them one by one.

While out driving the UTV we noticed smoke and behind us near a town call Crown King is the "Horse wildfire" which is quite a ways away but still can see and smell the smoke.

It was blowing towards Phoenix and we only got a slight smell.

And after talking to Darrel's brother in Colorado (which we had wildfires there as well but not near us) he sent a really scary looking photo of their skies from the Cameron fire still burning and threatening lots of home and buildings.

He deals with lots of smoke and ashes to clean up on their porch, deck and driveway.  I guess we are lucky that ours is not so intense and a further distance away.

Guess that is all I know -- we are safe and sound, staying healthy and hopefully will be visiting family in the Midwest soon --

Sending blessings from the road,
Susan & Darrel

PS  Send rain and cool -- the temps are dropping this week which is better but we NEED RAIN!!!!

Colorado Moments

 Hello Family & Friends, Ok, I've got really good Internet connection so here's one more post with pictures I have collected fro...