Wednesday, June 6, 2018

How do we fill our days?

So glad you asked 😄 well, we are learning all about Zoe, plus taking a few motorcycle rides, and figuring out how to stow away LOTS of stuff, and downsize even more STUFF, and then how to make the TV audio play out of the stereo and making SMORES over the campfire.  (I probably should have bulleted this list as it can go on and on and on.....)

We took a motorcycle ride on NE HWY 121 and then visited the Lewis & Clark visitor center near Gavin's Dam project -- here's a different view of the dam from the balcony of the visitor center.  We also watched the fisherman just below the white water you see in this picture using a bow & arrow to fish -- it was kind of interesting.

I have also promised some inside pics of the 5th wheel, so excuse the mess and I mentioned above, we are still moving in and everyday we repack the space.  I think within a month or 2 we might be moved into the space.

Bathroom sink/medicine cabinet area         Commode and I now have a toilet
                                                                      paper stand not pictured
Shower - my shower bag resides there at night 

Kitchen/dining room area                                                Living room and recliners

Here's the garage area without the cycles -- we are still organizing all the "extra stuff" that you don't have cabinet space or a basement -- I will get one with the motorcycles inside so you can compare.

We did take side trip to De Smet, SD where Laura Ingall Wilder lived and taught school, where she met Almanzo.  I have been to the homestead in Mansfield, MO and the Ingalls homestead in Independence, KS and now De Smet -- I thought it was the last one but I learned there are Laura Ingalls Wilder sites in Walnut Grove, MN, Burr Oak (I think IA or MN) and Peppin, WI so I have a few more to visit. 

I have some pictures of this visit but haven't downloaded them yet and I will get pictures of the bedroom when I get a chance.

Here's our travel pack -- Beau (truck), Zoe (Fuzion 5th wheel toyhauler), and two Triumph Bonneville motorcycles.  This picture was taken right before the storm as you can see the sky changing.

We tucked the cycles into the slideout to hopefully protect from the storm. 

Friday, June 1, 2018

1st Destination- Yankton, SD

We arrived safe and sound on Monday, 5/28 at the KOA -- wonderful campground, well maintained and quiet (so far during the week days) -- we pulled out early from Topeka and would have loved to show the full moon that greeted us as we departed but I couldn't snap a shot with the trees.  Here's our first stop to check the cycles and in general make sure we hadn't lost Zoe at least in Holton.
NOTE:  I really don't like selfies as I am too short to capture much, but at least we have great smiles!

And to answer the pressing question I am sure is on all your minds, yes, Susan does drive Beau & Zoe (but only between the rest areas).  I am sure I will get better but I really need some lessons to feel a little more confident that I won't take out a electric or telephone pole or a car or people.... need I continue???

I did see this sign on the back of a semi in Sioux Falls and thought I should get one for Zoe -- we'll see if I can find a placard somewhere that might reflect my learning curve and give a heads us to those folks traveling behind us

We headed to Sioux Falls to get our domicile setup as South Dakota Full Time RVers and here's the Pendergast's at the Sioux Falls Park.  A very nice lady took our picture -- NOTE: everyone we have encountered as been really nice and friendly -- a good sign as we begin our traveling journey.

We really have been learning the RV and just taking a moment to catch a breath or two.  We did get the cycles out of the garage (now, hoping we can get them back in).  I will try to get some inside pics of Zoe but we are such a mess that Saturday (June 2) is my cleaning day and I hope to have her looking a little more respectable by then.

We did venture to the Lewis & Clark State Park that is shared by South Dakota and Nebraska.  The Gavin Project Dam is awesome and here's a pick of the flood gate controls running.  The dam road is controlled by a stoplight and is only 1 lane each way.  We had planned to stay at the campground near the dam but decided we didn't want to move back and forth as we couldn't get reservations for the 2 weeks we were planning to stay.

OBTW, the Cottonwood trees are "cottoning" and it sometimes looks like it is snowing, but the temps will tell you otherwise (93 degrees here today).  You really have to keep your helmet visor closed or such down the seeds (not bugs).  
NOTE:  Darrel and I have intercoms in our helmets so we are able to communicate with each other as we travel which is nice when you need a "rest" break or to avoid a pothole or big bump in the road after the 1st one experiences it 😊.

Signing off for now as we anticipate stormy weather and I need to close up the garage and batten down the hatches.  Being from KS we know about "thunderstorms and high winds/hail) but experiencing them in a 5th wheel trailer will be a new experience for both of us!  I do know where the storm shelter is at the KOA!!

Traveling life's highway,
Susan & Darrel 

Sunday, May 27, 2018

On our Way

Whew, after a few obstacles (like replacing a propane valve for our refrigerator -- thank goodness for overnight delivery and getting two dead batteries fully charged -- thank you Interstate Battery), we are ready to head out at daybreak on Monday morning (5/28).

As we wrapped up the "getting out of house for closing deadline" we were madly cleaning the house and double checking that we had, indeed, moved all our belongings out (found a shelf of clothing and cleaning supplies under the kitchen sink) --- it was 8:30pm when we closed the door for the last time.

It was raining during our cleaning out (as it did on our wedding day) and as we departed we looked to the east to see a beautiful double rainbow shining over our home of 33 years! You can barely see the reflection to the left of the more visible one -- and it might show better if you enlarge the image.

What an awesome sight -- we took it has a blessing on our start of this new journey.

The next three days found us jamming all our "to go" possessions in to the RV and trying to creatively make it all fit.  We are definitely needing to go on a diet but I think the process of elimination will be easier as we travel and figure out what we need and really don't.

Better run, Monday 4AM wakeup call will come early.  I'll try to get you a better picture of Beau/Zoe (NOT BOZO) with the Pendergast's along with a picture at our first campsite.

Until then,
Susan & Darrel

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Big Reveal ... and traveling agenda

truck and 5th wheel toyhauler

Meet Beau and Zoe (F350 Truck and Fuzion 417), our 5th wheel toyhauler that has become our traveling home.  In case you care (and if you don't you can skip to the next paragraph) -- Beau's name came from Beau Jocque (a musician that played Zydeco music), hence the Beau and Zoe --- as soon as we get moved in, I promise I will send inside pictures. AND yes, she is long -- 43 foot to be exact.  We are learning you cannot cut corners and watch out if you see us, we probably take 2 lanes!

So the countdown is on and we head to Yankton, SD on Monday, May 28 early, early!!!  We anticipate taking about 8 hours plus to get there and it will be a long traveling day but we'll plan to take lots of breaks as I-29 has awesome rest areas.

Here's a tentative schedule for the next couple of months --- I doubt much will change as we have reservations but you never know and will keep you updated as that may happen.

May 28 - June 8 -- Yankton, SD
June 8 - June 22 -- Chamberlain, SD
June 22 - July 6 -- Jamestown, ND
July 6 - July 13 -- Walnut/Marne, IA
July 13 - July 27 -- Perry Lake, KS

As we get to Perry Lake, we hope to have an "open 5th Wheel house" to see our new home -- it is so far out to even think about it now seems daunting.  I know you will check back to keep updated so more details as July gets here.

Again, I cannot begin to thank everyone that has helped us on this adventure path -- it wouldn't have been possible with out family and friends that have been there to support us on our new journey.  We are truly blessed and are grateful for each and everyone of you.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

It isn't Over til it's Over

Hello Fellow Journey-iers,
The 2nd auction is OVER!!!  Here's a few pics as I put up a quick post before the action.  Let me tell you downsizing your home, selling your home and making a major life style change is exhausting!

Here's the inside of the metal building with the furniture.

Outside of metal building to the north and west side of metal building with tables setup.
And there was stuff on the south side of the metal building as well.

In addition to all the "stuff" the guns, ammo and reloading stuff plus 2 gun safes items were located in the house garage.  Although this auction ended 3 hours earlier than the last one, it took 4 hours to sell the "gun" stuff before moving to the back yard!  So mind me when I say, "don't buy stuff"!!!!

Anyway, we are moving on now to getting moved into the RV --- the next post will have you meeting our traveling partners and where we will be heading the Memorial Day!

Thanks for the following the journey,

PS  Here's some post pics of the "empty" spots --- (some items were waiting for pickup)

And not much was left over -- a few boxes of misc stuff that didn't sell, 2 OLD grills that didn't work or were in the process of dying and some odds n ends of "materials" to prep for the sale.  All in all, little cleanup involved.

Friday, May 11, 2018

11th Hour - 2nd Auction, quick post

OK, the countdown is on.....less than 11 hours (actually about 9) until WAKE UP time to prep for the next auction.... it begins at 10am (1 hour later than the last one) but we will be up and at 'em at 4:45am, because with the pace we have been keeping it takes us about 1 hour to wake up!

Help arrives between 6am - 6:30am to get things prepped, setup outside and the furniture moved to allow access within the metal building plus ready for the Early birds that want to look.

(This I will remember the trash cans so that I won't have litter littering my yard 😆)

I don't expect as large a crowd as the "Tool Auction" but you never know!  I am truly blessed to have so many great people in our lives to help us on this journey.... it truly does take a village!

Look for a follow up when I catch my breath and have a few extra hours of sleep..... then on to the closing scheduled for May 25th.

Absolutely no rest for the adventurous!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

May is flying by

OK, this should be more timely, but frankly, I just don't seem to have enough time to get everything done that I need to.  Here's my bullet list:

  • Get phone and wireless setup on Verizon (check)
    • however, this caused a change reaction on my phone which raised my phone bill -- ouch, so I have disconnected it and tried to email you with the updated phone number & this blog link
  • Setup for 2nd Auction (May 12) -- just when you think work is grueling, cleaning out your home and making a major change is just about as bad
  • Address changes and last minute doctor appointments
  • Last minute house sale punch list -- just finished it with last inspection, yay!!

  • Just a few highlights:
    • We are sleeping on the floor ---but on a pillowtop mattress 😊
    • The washer/dryer is gone (so a laundromat sometime after the sale)
    • Our clothes are in suitcases or tubs since my bedroom furniture is ready for the sale
    • We are using our RV chairs in the livingroom but we have a TV!!!
The 1st Auction is over and it was a LOT of work too!  Many thanks to family and friends for all their assistance because without them, we wouldn't have had it done ---- you know who you are!!!

So I'm a hoping the 2nd auction will be less hectic, and shorter as the first one ran from 9:00am until the last person drove out the driveway at 9:00pm

Anyway, I will try to update this blog in the next couple of weeks with travel dates, plans and locations.

Thanks for journeying with the Pendergasts!

Colorado Moments

 Hello Family & Friends, Ok, I've got really good Internet connection so here's one more post with pictures I have collected fro...