Monday, October 28, 2019

We're Arizona!

Hello Family & Friends,
Bet you wondered what happened to me, and of course, Darrel, too (those of you that read these updates 😉) -- well, after a visit to Kansas, Iowa and OOOOOOklahoma (I always have to sing that word), we are back in Arizona for the winter months.

We had a great time visiting Kansas family and catching up with friends (although we wished we had so much more time since we didn't get to see everyone we had hoped to) and then traveled on to Iowa to see Jeremy and family (believe it or not, it SNOWED on us) and then on to OOOOOOklahoma to visit Ryan and family.  It is close to 1200 miles to Topeka, with the trips to IA and OK, and then back to AZ, we traveled 3500 miles!!!  Yikes, we were road weary when we reached AZ winter home.

Since we have been back, we are on our new lot in North Ranch.  We are still unpacking, pretty much everything -- storage shed, RV and truck but I took sometime to snap some pics of the progress.

The Fuzion has plenty of room on the new lot, we miss the concrete and pavers, but it is nice to have a big shed and extra room to move about.

This is a view from the other direction, the wooden steps you see were left by the previous owners so they come in handy as the garage steps for added sturdiness.

Here's the inside of the shed, actually it looks much better as Darrel has been "emptying" it --we had 2 motorcycles, the UTV and SO much more jammed in there when we left for the Midwest.

Handyman Darrel setup a drain from the washer (you can see from the left side of the picture) so that the washer can remain in the shed and not in the garage.  We can hook and unhook when not in use!

We now have a small dining table in the garage where we can actual set at a table and eat! Plus we have a couple extra chairs for company??

We also have a couple of recliners and the big black thing is a swamp cooler for cooling vs. AC -- takes less electricity and works pretty well when the humidity is less than 50% which only seems to happen in Monsoon season.  It will get moved to the storage shed when temps cool off (soon)

I also added ghosts to the door between the garage and livingroom/kitchen area -- remember when I went head first into the closed door and thought I broke my nose?? and had a nasty bump on my forehead?? They may stay there for quite awhile!!!

We have ANTS -- at least they are harvester ants and not fire ants --- we tried the "natural way" with potato buds that are suppose to blow them up when they eat them.... the little buggers just hauled the potato buds out of the mounds --- so we had to go the ORTHO bug b gone way.... but still struggling to eradicate them all (is it ok to say, kill them all).

UTV, aka RD, sits next to the corner of the lot -- yes, you can see the yellow house in the background.  If anyone asks where we live in park, we just say corner lot next to the yellow house!

On to other things, here's the view from our stairs of the Weaver Mountains, not as high up as we were on the lot on Wind Spirit but we can see the mountains for now -- the neighbors are putting up a modular unit so I don't know how that will impact our view soon.

Sun sets early here in AZ since we don't have DST in this state, but it still looks pretty awesome.

Another project on our winter agenda, is to take down the letter "M" from our shed as the previous owners last name started with that letter -- not sure if we will put up a "P" or not, we have bent aluminum to cover trim to avoid painting it --- the horse above will stay as we live on 
Running Horse - hence, the "running horse" LOL

Oh, got new Oofos sandals -- I didn't realize how old and how many miles my other pair had on them until I put on a new pair -- always remember to buy new shoes occasionally, as you don't realize how much better they feel

One last thing before I close, I guess we brought the Midwest temps with us -- we had two days of upper 80's and now here's the weekly forecast for Congress --- I cannot believe it is cooling off this much so soon, but then last year, we had snow 3 times so what do I know??

Actually weekend temps look pretty awesome in the 70's

So I will try to do my weekly postings starting now and hope you all enjoy our settling back into Arizona post.  

Keep in touch, sending our love and blessings,

Susan & Darrel


  1. Glad you had a great trip and are getting your new "home" site ready for a comfortable Arizona winter. Dale & Bonny

    1. Thanks Dale and Bonny --- weather has been great, now we just have to organize the shed! -- S & D


Colorado Moments

 Hello Family & Friends, Ok, I've got really good Internet connection so here's one more post with pictures I have collected fro...