Thursday, April 2, 2020

Blazing a Trail and what a View

Dear Family and Friends,
My last post was St. Patrick's Day and then the crazy began in Arizona and throughout the United States.  Like many others we are trying to filter our way through how to deal and look for support from family and friends.  I truly appreciate all the texts and phone calls, the meme funnies and sharing the news that changes so quickly, I sometimes cannot remember was happened the day before.

But we are finding our normal in these crazy times and I have many photos to share with you -- this may turn into a couple of posts just to help you not get bored reading through.  Here goes and I hope I make sense but don't count on it!

Traveling Bob's Old Trail -- Bob found one of the old trails that had been overgrown and was difficult to travel without being hit by mesquite, creosote bushes and other misc. brush -- so with the 3 of use and of course, Ruger, we headed out to open the trail for travel.

It was a beautiful day and the skies were partly sunny so it was cool.
This cactus had a pretty awesome next tucked between the barrels -- pretty big so I'm thinking hawk, falcon or owl.

Darrel and Bob are deciding on the route and we are moving the UTVs a few feet and making sure we were able to pass.

At the end of the trail there was a really steep decline (or incline) depending on which way you were traveling, so Bob headed down and we waited to see how it went.

Ruger was still in the back, so that is a good sign since he is known to jump out if the going gets too rough.  He is a smart dog!

You cannot really see from the pic how far down it descends but trust me, it was a steep descent.

Maybe now, you can see how far down we go.

We came back the long way by the cattle ponds and a great overlook ---

The cows are not sure what to make of us and Ruger -- so mostly they just watch.

Lots of water still for the desert.

Here's my boys, appreciating the view -- Bob, Ruger and Darrel

Ruger never stops looking for wildlife, I bet he puts on double the mileage we walk as he explores the terrain.

We headed out about 9:15am and returned around 3:30pm so it was a long day, but the trail was awesome and now e can travel without ripping up the UTV or our arms and faces from the overgrowth.

Stay turned for the next post ..... more pictures to follow.

Sending blessing from the road,
Susan & Darrel

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Colorado Moments

 Hello Family & Friends, Ok, I've got really good Internet connection so here's one more post with pictures I have collected fro...