Wednesday, February 24, 2021

In Search of Metates!

 Hello Family and Friends,

In case the title of this post befuddles you, it is phonetically pronounced ....   

[muh-tah-teez; Spanish me-tah-tes] -- I just call them grinding stones.  We headed out with Sue and Ernie to look for Metates.  We headed towards Congress and then toward Indian Rock -- where there are Metates.

We had really beautiful scenery with high cliffs and lots of up and down trails!

This one Darrel called the bathing hole -- he thinks they used this big hole to capture rain water for bathing purposes???

Sue is checking out the markings of a traveler leaving a date stamps on the rock.

Here's the Metates!

And more

a close shot

Some one decided to stack rocks and you will see these from time to time where people have stopped to visit and leave a marker for future visitors.

We had a much warmer day and less wind which helps with the desert dust.  We traveled back towards Congress to finish our day.  It was a great trip and I now can look for more Metates as we travel the rock formations.

Sending blessings from the Road,
Susan & Darrel

Happy Reading -- until the next time!

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