Monday, July 13, 2020

Exploring Forest Rd 361

Hello Family & Friends,
I don't remember when we explored Forest Rd 361, guess I should date/time stamp my photos but I never liked seeing that show up on the photo in the corner.  Pretty helpful though when you are retired and everyday is a Saturday.

Anyway, we took the road and headed up!  Along the way we caught a Marmet popping out of his den to look around -- pretty skittish but he/she allowed up a click or two before back down he/she went.
Pretty big guy, almost thought it was a badger, woodchuck but I still believe it is a Marmet.

We ambled on up to the top to a really beautiful meadow full of cows -- you really cannot go on any roads with coming across cattle.  We had a really nice overlook and found a chipmunk enjoying it as well.

He seemed to be enjoying the sun -- as we were watching the chipmunk, we spotted more Marmets sunning themselves on the rock outcrop just across the way -- too far to be photographed.

We took out the binoculars and spied for awhile, we believe it was a family with a young one not paying attention to mom's warnings and getting shuffled back down in the den.

We stopped to take in the view, you can see the beetle kill trees (the dead looking ones) but there seems to be a lot of new growth -- see the green in between?

The mountains across the way house Summitville at the top.

Darrel like this gnarly looking Aspen, we see a lot that have really weird branches.

One more view!

On the trip down we caught this waterfall with a lot of moss growing on the rocks.

We had a great exloring trip and on the way down got caught in a cattle roundup -- cowboy on horseback with border collie, gathering up the herd.  There were some BIG ones in that herd.  We managed to wade our way through and headed home.

Until the next trip out,

Sending blessings from the road,
Susan & Darrel

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Colorado Moments

 Hello Family & Friends, Ok, I've got really good Internet connection so here's one more post with pictures I have collected fro...