Sunday, September 6, 2020

Watching Wildlife!

 Hello Family & Friends,

Finally -- we saw some wildlife and actually stopped to watch the action.  First a coyote -- wished I could have caught it hopping to catch its prey -- but it was so quick and I was trying not to scare it away.

First spotted it in the meadow on the hunt --

Trying to catch it looking at us - he was very aware that we were on the road watching!

Spooked a little and headed for the trees, you can barely see if just at the tree line.

Headed back toward the creek - had to decide how to pass it -  or cross it.

Just went on through and headed into the next pasture.

Best shot of it as it turned to go on through the meadow.

Another truck passed us on the road and spooked the coyote finally toward the trees.

We ambled on the down the road and headed for home -- we haven't seen the wildlife like we have in years past.  So on the way home, Darrel yells, STOP, back up and look what he spied ....

Antelope on the ridge along the road ...

And then, more antelope following along  -- there were 2 babies but you can't tell from the pictures.

They were definitely following the guy up top ---- not too nervous at us watching but knew we were there.

They just kept following the leader ....

This was a mama and her baby

Finally the entire herd was up top and over the ridge .... we lost track of them and headed on home.

Enjoyed our day and watching the wildlife.

Blessings from the Road,
Susan & Darrel

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Colorado Moments

 Hello Family & Friends, Ok, I've got really good Internet connection so here's one more post with pictures I have collected fro...